Motivation – Douglas Jackson


9 June 2023

What’s The Secret Sauce Of The World’s Top Performing CEOs?

When about 40% of new CEOs fail within the first 18 months and the odds that a CEO will lead an average company to become a top-quintile performer are only 4 percent, what does separate the top performing CEOs?
30 March 2021

Do you have an Inner Cheerleader or Critic?

Do you have nagging thoughts that you’re not good enough? This negative, self-critical voice can undermine how we feel
24 August 2020

How You and Your Leaders Can Emerge Stronger and More Successful

How will you and your teams emerge stronger? How will you address skill gaps in your workforce?
24 July 2020

Basketball, Burgers and Resilient Leadership.

What does basketball and burgers have to do with resilient leadership? Learn more in this short article.
28 November 2018

Around the World in 80 Days- #ECCCSA18

So to the most prestigious event in the contact centre and customer service calendar. The European Contact Centre and Customer Service Awards.  Once again held at […]
20 September 2018

CXFO – What We Can Do Tomorrow

This week we joined The CXFO for their inaugural London Launch meeting, ‘What We Can Do Tomorrow’, held at The Pirate Castle; a community boating charity and […]
25 April 2018

Being Your Personal Best: Customer Strategy and Planning 2018

This week #TeamDJ were back in Harrogate, (who now have their very own Ivy restaurant for those foodies planning a trip), for the Customer Strategy and […]