Chief Customer Officer
19 March 2024

Hiring Directors in the Utilities sector
19 March 2024Holly Beeston, who was recently honored at the Great British Businesswoman awards ceremony for her finalist nomination in the Businesswomen of the Year, Utilities category.

At Douglas Jackson, we are incredibly proud and grateful to all of our team who regularly receive great comments and feedback but in this post we want to celebrate the remarkable achievements of our own Holly Beeston, who was recently honored at the Great British Businesswoman awards ceremony for her finalist nomination in the Businesswomen of the Year, Utilities category. It was a night of celebration, surrounded by a room full of inspirational and influential women, there was high energy and humour from our Queen Bee host 👑🐝 Dani Wallace 👑🐝 and it was great to hear from founder Niki Dowdall and last years winner Beth Knight.
The awards, sponsored by Stella Insurance featured over 600 submissions from women across various industry sectors, a shortlist of 200 finalists and then 23 winners were selected by a judging panel that included: Romy Desmarais, Chalene Hanson, Rav Bumbra, Dr. Asif Sadiq MBE and Samidha Anand.
Our own Managing Partner, Michelle Ansell joined Holly to show her support, immense pride and to help celebrate Holly’s fabulous achievement.
Michelle said “Holly has had a fantastic year this last year, delivering against some really tough assignments she has continued to work with some amazing brands and business and the individuals she has supported in their new careers have made significant impacts across the Utilities sector: Energy, Gas, Water, Renewables, BPO and Tech. Holly is passionate about Diversity and has also been an active member and advocate for WUN – Womens Utilities Network helping to further the opportunities available to women across the sector, she has spoken to aspirational female leaders at Women on Boards and will soon be speaking attending the Institute of Water for their first 2024 Midlands networking at Jacobs in Birmingham, where Holly will be joining the speaker panel alongside Alex Wright & Amy Anderson to present on: Advice and tips to Grow, Connect and Develop within the Water sector and all whilst being an amazing Wife and Mom to Jaxon her toddler.
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